Book Town Hall

Town Hall Useage Notice

The Selectmen would like to remind everyone that if you want to use the Town Hall you need to fill out a use of hall contract and have it approved by the Selectmen. Also if wanting to borrow tables or chairs you also need to fill out a contract and have it approved by the Selectmen. Anyone who has a key to the Town Hall is not supposed to give the key to anyone else without approval of the Selectmen. If you have a key for coaching you are only allowed to use the hall for scheduled practices and games you need to fill out a contract for any other uses.

PLEASE NOTE: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Bone Builders meet in the Town Hall from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m. so those mornings are only available from 10:00 a.m.- 12 noon for booking even though it will show 4 hours.


Book Town Hall

Please be advised that The Town of Monroe requires a minimum of 10 days notice to book online

Download Town Hall Use Contract

Download Town Hall Property Use Contract