Disposal & Recycling

Can I Recycle That?
Monroe Recycling Tips & Where to Recycle
Are you new to town or new to recycling? Welcome! Our self-serve recycling center bins are for use by Monroe residents only, for items from Monroe residences. The recycling bins are located in the parking lot of the Monroe Municipal building. Turn in at the road near the Fire Danger sign on Route 135.
There you will find six separate bins for different kinds of materials:
1. Corrugated cardboard (double walled cardboard, not paperboard)
2. Mixed paper
3. Glass
4. Plastics – marked with recycling symbol #1 through #7
5. Aluminum beverage cans in the big wire mesh aluminum beverage can bin (Fun Fact: The cans are redeemed, and the refund is used to support the Monroe 8th graders class trip.)
6. Metal – includes all metal items such as duct work, tire rims and grills and small metal items such as soup, vegetable and pet food cans made of steel – not aluminum.
Remember: No plastic bags in the recycling bins; only the items you are recycling
Learn more about what is meant and excluded for each of these materials on the HERE
The library or town offices can print this information out for you if needed
Corrugated Cardboard and Mixed Paper
1. Into the Cardboard Recycling Bin – This means corrugated cardboard; it must be clean and dry; flatten corrugated cardboard containers before adding them to the corrugated cardboard bin.
NOTE: Corrugated Cardboard is double-walled cardboard. It’s named for the interior layer of wavy paper, also called the corrugated medium, which gives the cardboard its strength.
NOT OK: waxed cartons or waxed cardboard.

2. Into the Mixed Paper Recycling Bin – This includes junk mail, magazines, paper egg cartons, food/cereal boxes, phone books, paperback books, office/school paper and newspapers, paper bags.
NOTE: Plain “cardboard”, also called paperboard, goes into the Mixed Paper Recycling Bin.
NOT OK: gift wrap, soiled tissues or napkins, pizza boxes or other food boxes with food/oil
Staples, paperclips, and window envelopes are OK

Glass Recycling
Into the Glass Bin – Bottle and jars, ceramics, windowpanes, porcelain, sinks and toilets (Fixtures must be removed). You don’t have to scrub the food containers, just rinse or wipe out before recycling.
Not OK: lightbulbs, headlights, windshields, fixtures.
NOTE: Bring fluorescent bulbs that have already been removed from their fixtures to a scheduled Big Trash Day.
Plastics Recycling
Into the plastics bins – Plastics #1- #7 including drink bottles, food and household bottles, food container tubs and lids (such as margarine and cream cheese tubs and lids), clamshell and other containers for produce, deli and bakery containers, cups and trays, nonfood containers and packaging.
Not OK: Large storage totes and tubs, black plastic trays and containers, hinged top food clamshells, containers that held hazardous products, flowerpots or buckets, bags, wrap or film plastic, Styrofoam or
other foam.
NOTE: You don’t have to scrub the containers, just rinse or wipe out before recycling

Plastic Bags, Liners, and Plastic Films
Monroe’s program does not recycle plastic films such as grocery bags. But Shaw’s and Walmart have recycling containers at their store entrance for these.
Remember: Do not leave plastic bags in the bins. Only put in the items you are recycling, not the bags you carried them in.

Metal Recycling &
Aluminum Beverage Cans
1. Into the Metal Recycling Bin – All metals including soup, vegetable and pet food cans made of steel – not aluminum. This also includes larger items that are all metal that you might have once saved to bring to Large Trash Day.
NOT OK: Coffee makers, paper shredders, items made of a combination of metal and plastic, or other materials. These should be saved for the scheduled Big Trash Days.
NOT OK: aluminum beverage cans
NOTE: You don’t have to scrub the food containers, just rinse or wipe out before recycling.
2. Into the Aluminum Beverage Cans Wire Mesh Bin – Aluminum Beverage Cans only. The cans are redeemed, and the refund is used to support the Monroe 8th graders class trip

Commercial Tire Recycling Policy
All tires must be free of water, dirt, and other debris prior to being dropped off.
Rims must be removed from the tire. Rims can be placed in metal recycling.
Tires 21 inch and under:
- Must be dropped off during Monroe BIG TRASH/BIG JUNK DAYS.
- Must be from vehicles registered in the Town of Monroe.
- Off-Highway tires will be accepted if owned by a Town resident.
Tires over 21 inch:
Will only be accepted after scheduling an appointment with the Road Agent.
Road Agent will keep an inventory of the tires dropped off and customer will be billed accordingly based on the following schedule.
- Truck, Tractor Trailer, and Front Farm Tractor tire 22.5” to 26.5”- $25 each.
- Farm Tractor Rear – $65 each.
- Loader Tires – Thick sidewall tire up to 25” – $125 each.
- Loader Tires – Thick sidewall tire over 25” – $175 each.
- Off Road/Skidder tires – $250 each.
Selectmen have authority to handle tire disposal on a case-by-case basis. Tires may be refused for a variety of reasons including but not limited to non-complying drop offs and an excessive amount of tires based on the customer.

We are so lucky to have Big Trash Days in our town! Watch for the dates in the newsletter and on the town website. They are from 7am to 11am. Same as our recycling bins, Monroe Big Trash Days are exclusively for Monroe residents only, for items from Monroe residences.
This is where large items that cannot easily be disposed of can be taken:
building materials, mattresses, appliances, lamps, and such.
Electronics are accepted at Big Trash Days.
Fluorescent bulbs that have already been removed from their fixtures are also accepted.
The size limit is one cord of big trash or junk. It must be organized in such a way that it can quickly and safely be removed from your vehicle.
For Safety: Picking from the dumpsters is not allowed.
Note: Tires may only be dropped off during big Trash Days. Tires must be designed for a 21-inch or smaller rim. They must be removed from the rims. (Rims go into the metal bin). They must be clean and not full of dirt and water.
Additional Items
Electronics may only be dropped off during Monroe BIG TRASH DAYS/BIG JUNK DAYS.
Additional Option: The NH Department of Environmental Services offers a list of Computer and Electronics Recycling Vendors as a reference in the search for recycling options: HERE
The list presents commercial manufacturers and charitable organizations that accept computer and electronic equipment.
NOTE: The library or town offices can print this list out for you if needed.
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous waste includes insecticides, pesticides, non-latex paint, unused gasoline, pool chemicals, recyclable batteries.
Do not bring these to recycling. Keep these in a safe place, away from children and pets and save them for a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day in our town or a local town.
Unwanted or Expired Medications
Bring these to the secure collection box at the entrance to the Littleton Police Department or the North Haverhill Police Department.
The pharmacies at Walmart in Woodsville and Littleton have a secure drop off bin, available when the pharmacy is open.
NOTE: For your privacy, black out or remove labels with personal identification.
The Monroe Recycling Center area is hosting a bin from Apparel Impact, a veteran-owned NH textile recovery company. Your donated clothing will be sorted for re-use or recycling. Some items get distributed to
community programs for folks in need, and the rest are sorted and recycled into all kinds of things like fiber, yarn, rags, and more.
Items Accepted: all clothing, all shoes/sandals, purses, bags, hats, ties & scarves, towels & linens. All items must be dry, contain no odor or mold. Items DO NOT need to be in wearable condition.