Monroe Public Library

Library Spotlight
Click here for the volunteer form, if interested in helping bring more activities and events to town.
The library will close at 5:45 on Tuesday, February 11th for the town budget hearing.
The February community newsletter is now available online and will arrive in mailboxes soon.
Make Your Own Valentines Station at the library: February 4th – 12th
About Monroe Public Library
The townspeople of Monroe voted to establish a free public library in 1895 when the State of NH offered aid in the form of $100 worth of books. In 1932 the recently vacated No. 1 Village School was granted to the library trustees for use as the town library. The Monroe Public Library has been in the same location on Plains Road ever since. Much work was done to transform the interior from classroom to library in 1932 and another renovation was done in the late 1950’s. Other work has been done over the years, but the building remains largely the same as it was nearly 70 years ago.
A modern library doesn’t just consist of a building with books inside though. Of course there are still reading materials, but the library now offers a wide range of resources, services and programming. There are comfortable spaces to gather for meetings or to play games, talk with neighbors over coffee, and have play dates. The library is a community hub; a place where all are welcome!
New Hampshire Downloadable Book Consortium
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from your local library for free! Libby is the newer library reading app by OverDrive, loved by millions of readers worldwide!
To sign into your account you need a seven digit card number. If you do not have one, contact your library.
Library Resources

Interlibrary Loan
You can request books that are in the collections of most NH libraries*. You can search the database to see if a specific title is available or to find books by a specific author or on a particular subject. Available books will be delivered to the Monroe Library for you.
*Patron Initiated Request function is not enabled, please contact the Monroe Library directly to make a request.

Computers and Wi-Fi
The library has two laptops available as well as a wireless printer. You may also use your own devices with our wi-fi service.

Library of Things
This collection is intended to help you save money by allowing you to borrow items that may only be needed on occasion. Most items are borrowed by completing a use agreement, but a few items are for use in the library only.
Monroe Matters:
A Community Newsletter

Library Staff:
Jessica Sherman, Director
Darlene Coursey, Library Assistant
The board consists of three trustees that each serve a three year term
Mary Choate 2025
Judy Martin 2027
Jeanne Ward 2026
Next Trustees meeting is Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00pm
Contact Us:
19 Plains Road
PO Box 67
(603) 638-4736 (for newsletter submissions)
Hours of Operation
Tuesday: 12pm – 7pm
Wednesday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday 9am – 12pm