Public Notices & News

Town Hall Useage Notice
The Selectmen would like to remind everyone that if you want to use the Town Hall you need to fill out a use of hall contract and have it approved by the Selectmen. Also if wanting to borrow tables or chairs you also need to fill out a contract and have it approved by the Selectmen. Anyone who has a key to the Town Hall is not supposed to give the key to anyone else without approval of the Selectmen. If you have a key for coaching you are only allowed to use the hall for scheduled practices and games you need to fill out a contract for any other uses.
Town of Monroe Public Notices
Noise Ordinance
Noise Ordinance can be accessed HERE
Off Highway Recreational Vehicle Policy
IMPORTANT: Off highway recreational vehicle usage policy is available to view HERE
Town Logo T-shirts, Sweatshirts and Hoodies
The Town of Monroe now has t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies available for sale in adult and children sizes.
Order forms are available HERE
Call the Town Office for more information.
The Town of Monroe Fire Department is looking for new members
The Town of Monroe Fire Department is looking for new members.
If you are interested in joining, please contact Russell Brown at (802) 274-6314
Looking for EMT’s
The Monroe Fast Squad is looking for EMTs or people looking to become an EMT and join the Squad. Volunteer Position. Must live within Monroe or adjacent town.
Send a letter of interest with contact information to:
Town of Monroe Town Office
PO Box 63
Monroe, NH 03771

To contact town office personnel on the weekends, please post a message on the Town of Monroe Facebook page